Stephen Edmondson

Stephen Edmondson qualified from London University (Middlesex Hospital Medical School) BSc (1 st class honours) MB BS in 1974. After training posts in London, Cambridge and America he was appointed to the consultant staff of St Bartholomews Hospital in January 1984. In almost forty years of consultant practice, he has introduced and led a significant number of clinical programmes in cardiac and thoracic surgery including complex aortovascular surgery, minimal access surgery, cardiac transplantation, surgery for mesothelioma and robotic surgery. This has been at the same time as developing the largest personal cardiac surgery practice in the UK.

Stephen was Clinical Director for cardiac and thoracic surgery in the Barts Heart Centre since its inception in 2015 until January of this year. His directorship coincided with the cardiothoracic directorate becoming the largest CT surgery department in the UK where it is now acknowledged to be at the forefront of high-quality clinical practice, research and innovation.

In 2018 Stephen was appointed as the Chair of the Clinical Board in Surgery (Chief of Surgery) for Barts Health with a remit to duplicate for the trust what had been achieved during his period of leadership in surgery at the Barts Heart Centre. In January 2021 he was appointed Clinical Director for the London Region Cardiac Network leading on strategy for both cardiology and cardiac surgery and London’s response to the National Cardiac Transformation Programme. He officially ceased routine clinical practice earlier this year but continue to provide advice to the Barts CT service and to mentor junior cardiac surgical consultants. He has maintained an active interest in non-clinical activities including supporting the Barts Charity and the Barts 900 programme.

Stephen’s interests outside medicine and surgery relate mostly to family, sport and country pursuits.