Help us make a difference at Barts by joining the Guild!
St Bartholomew’s Hospital is a leading specialist cancer and cardiac centre, and its patients need our support. By taking out annual membership of the Guild for just £20 per year, or £250 for life, you will help us improve the patient experience at Barts by supporting our volunteers and helping to fund our grants.
Join using a Credit/Debit Card
Please select the type of membership using the appropriate button below and click ‘JOIN’.
You will then be asked to complete your personal details and choose whether you wish to Gift Aid your membership. Our online merchant partner Stripe will securely process your payment.
Our shop and trolley service relies exclusively on our team of dedicated volunteers, and your support will enable us to engage more volunteers and deliver an even better service to the patients.
Our grant giving is equally important, allowing us to purchase equipment and support training initiatives that improve the care and patient experience provided every day at Barts.
Membership is open to everyone aged eighteen and over, and includes an invitation to the AGM and a copy of the Annual Report, copies of Barts Guild News, and information regarding other Guild events, such as concerts and talks.
If you are a student at Queen Mary University of London’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, you are entitled to free membership of the Guild. Please use this form to apply for your BLSA membership.
Join using a Cheque or Standing Order
If you would prefer to join the Guild paying by cheque or by setting up a Standing Order, please download this application form, complete it and post it to the Membership Secretary at the address shown on the form.
Gift Aid
It’s possible you may be able to help us even more by completing a Gift Aid Declaration. If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate; this includes your membership subscription. A gift aid declaration is included on the online sign-up form, however, if you are unsure whether you have registered for Gift Aid, please complete the declaration by clicking here!