Senior Ward Sisters, Charge Nurses, Managers of Clinical Departments and all who are caring for patients and their relatives at St Bartholomew’s Hospital
Can we help you?
Barts Guild exists to help the Hospital by personal service and by the provision of such amenities for the patients and staff as would not be available for them under the NHS.
You will know about our shop and the trolley rounds staffed by volunteers. You may remember the gifts we make to patients who are in hospital over Christmas.
But did you know about the grants we are sometimes able to make to improve facilities and equipment for patients and staff in wards and departments, and to improve comforts on the wards?
What our grants could pay for
In recent years the Guild has approved grants for the following – from expensive medical equipment to relatively inexpensive electrical appliances and furniture:
- DVD equipment for fitting and use with MRI scanners
- Art therapy equipment and materials
- Scalp coolers for use in chemotherapy treatment / Mobile bedside computers (plus cart) for blood counts.
- Apheresis machine / Dialysis equipment / Clinitek equipment / Diagnostic image equipment
- Carescopes / Oximeter.
- DVD produced for oracular oncology patients / PA and sound systems rental.
- Physiotherapy hoist / Exercise bikes / Examination couches / Trolleys.
- Televisions/ CD and DVD players / Fax machines / Microwave ovens / Refrigerators / Fans / Ice machine-ice cuber / Washer-dryer / Toaster / Kettles / Blankets warmer.
- Rooms redecoration / Garden maintenance.
- Chairs (special and ordinary) / Tables / Sofas / Blinds / Waste bins / Christmas presents for patients /Christmas tree / Books and leaflets.
If there is an item which would benefit patients and staff, make life more pleasant on your ward or help the work of your department and which is not available from the Trust, we shall be happy to consider an application for a grant to cover all or part of the cost.
Further information
To apply, download and complete the application form at the bottom of this page.
Our grants co-ordinator, Lorna Glace, will be happy to advise you if you want more information:
Email: lorna_glace@yahoo.co.uk
Grant applications are usually considered at our Committee of Management meetings, but are also looked at between these meetings if urgent.